Азийн Домог бартендер болох Агунг болон тууний гэр бүл Laura, Penicillin bar ний ахлах Jamie нартай танилцаарай. Агуу хөдөлмөрч хэрнээ даруухан тэдний баарууд болох Penicillin нь Азийн шилдэг баарны #26, Дэлхийн Тор 500 баарны #42 т жагсаж байгаа Sustainable concept бүхий баар юм.
Мөн тэд хамтдаа Lockdown, Dead & Dive bar зэргийг амжилттай авч яваа коктейль мэргэжилтнүүд юм. Ганцхан өдөр болох тэдний галзуу коктейлиудийг амсах боломжийг VAULT баар олгож байна.
Join us in welcoming Asia’s legendary bartender, Agung, along with his dedicated family members Laura and Jamie, who collectively manage the iconic Penicillin Bar. Known for their hardworking ethos and commitment to sustainability, Penicillin Bar has garnered accolades, ranking #26 in Asia’s Best Bars and #42 in the World’s Top 500 Bars.
Together, they also lead the cocktail revolution at Lockdown and DEAD& Dive Bar.
For one day only, VAULT Bar invites you to experience the genius of Agung and his team with their crazy cocktails.
Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to savor the unique flavors crafted by these cocktail experts.
Reserve your spot early and indulge in an unforgettable evening of innovation and excellence at VAULT Bar.